BGLOBALspain |
english |
“building up business solutions” |
BeGlobalspain is a business consulting company specialized in providing solutions for complex situations concerning international markets.
Located in Barcelona and with independent legal status, the company is formed by a team of professional advisers from different knowledge background ( Marketing, Economist, lawyers,..); offering global solutions to company problems. Having the knowledge and experience in various countries and markets, enables us to provide and develop, exclusive and innovative solutions.
Joint ventures, new plant developments, outsourcing, off shoring or any export program; are some of the projects, always customized, that we lead into a successful ending. Our clients belong mainly to service, industry and consume goods. And vary from multinational companies to middle size private firms.
· Manufacturing Industry ( spare car parts, Chemistry, packaging components, electricity, textile, Furniture and Interior decoration,...) · Technology, Software and e-business · Retail and Distribution · Educations · Etc,...
Please contact us for further information or details concerning our services.